Commercial Heating System Types

Given the amount of money and time you're going to have to invest in purchasing and installing a new heating system for your business, it only makes sense to make sure that your getting exactly the right system for your needs. Of course, the upfront cost for the equipment itself and the installation is only one of the things you need to consider. The cost of maintaining the system and operating it also have to be weighed when making this decision.

Sustainable Energy Options

One approach you should consider when installing a commercial heating system is the possibility of using sustainable resources. This includes systems using sources like geothermal and solar. In addition to helping to protect the environment, these approaches can often be more cost-efficient in the long run than traditional systems like gas and oil fired units. However, because they have fairly high upfront costs, this approach is usually best for large businesses.

Gas or Oil Steam Heating

Gas and oil steam heating has been used as a commercial heating method for many years. While not very efficient, it is still quite popular. In this process, the gas or oil is used to boil water, turn it into steam and send the steam along pipes to areas of the building that need to be heated. One of the reasons for the extreme inefficiency of this process is the amount of time it takes between the boiler heating the water and the steam actually arriving at its destination.

Gas or Oil Water Systems

Another option for heating your business is a water-based heating system. This approach is quite similar to the steam heating method mentioned above. In this case, water is heated using a boiler and the heated water is then sent through pipes to radiators placed throughout the business. Like the previously mentioned system, water systems are highly inefficient and will waste a lot of your energy dollars. The reason for this inefficiency is that the system has to be cleared of air every time you turn it on.

Heat Pumps

One of the best ways to provide heat for your business is to install a heat pump in the building. This kind of central air conditioning system provides you with a number of advantages, including much higher energy efficiency, quicker response times and greater comfort for you and your employees. In addition, many heat pumps also serve as air conditioners during the summer to cool your building. Finally, there are fewer safety concerns with heat pumps, since you don't have to worry about carbon monoxide production from combustion or the possibilities of a fuel fire.

Contact professional manufacturers, such as Mercury Tec, for extra help and information. 
